Buying a home is the biggest purchase you’ll ever make in your life, so it’s understandable that paying for your home be one of your highest priorities. Normally, in every day life, your family income will sustain itself or even increase to make sure you can always pay your mortgage. Sometimes, though, unforeseeable circumstances happen and you may have to take some extended time off work or even stop working altogether for a while. If you need to be off work for an extended amount of time, your mortgage insurance will help to make sure your mortgage is paid. We can help the residents make sure their mortgage premiums are paid if they are unable to meet their financial obligations. Mortgage Insurance Premiums are calculated based on the amount of your home that is financed as part of your mortgage. There are typically two factors that play into your premium calculations: the type of mortgage you have and the amount you’ve put down on your house when you purchased it as your down payment.
Dealt with Akansha, she was professional and quite helpful in answering all questions
Nusrat Ahmed
akanksha....105 great advisor one call solution solved .
Mithun Das
Was really nice dealing with Canadian LIC for setting up supervisa insurance for my mother. Harpreet from the customer support team was very responsive and I was able to get the things sorted out quickly.
Chona Limoico
Excellent service
Wafaa Hammoud
highly recommend Canadian L.I.C. insurance. Very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. I called and got help right away. The service was quick, clear and easy. Akanksha gave the best price and service by following up.
Keep it up, great job.