
Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) Updated 2024

The Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) Table Updated 2024

Welcome to our LICO Table resource page. The Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) table is a crucial tool used across Canada to determine low-income thresholds, impacting access to various financial programs and assistance.

What is the LICO Table?

The LICO table, formulated and maintained by Statistics Canada, serves as a standardized reference point, delineating income thresholds critical for assessing financial stability across different household sizes and locations in Canada. These thresholds signify the minimum income deemed necessary to sustain a modest standard of living within the country.

This invaluable tool plays a fundamental role in identifying households or individuals with incomes falling below the established thresholds. By encompassing various factors such as family size and geographical location, the LICO table offers a comprehensive view of income benchmarks crucial for estimating the expenses necessary for fundamental necessities like food, shelter, and clothing.

With its annual updates, the LICO table remains current and reflective of the evolving economic landscape and cost-of-living adjustments in distinct regions. By delineating these income thresholds, it enables government agencies, policymakers, and organizations to identify and assist those who may require financial support or access to essential services, ensuring an equitable approach in providing aid and fostering financial stability across diverse communities.

How does the LICO Table Work?

The LICO table functions as a pivotal tool in gauging the income thresholds necessary for maintaining a basic standard of living across varying household sizes and geographical locations in Canada. It takes into account the particular needs of different family sizes and the cost of living in various regions.

By encompassing essential elements like food, shelter, and clothing, the LICO table calculates the income required to cover these fundamental necessities. Updated annually by Statistics Canada, this data offers a comprehensive and updated view of income benchmarks.

Through this meticulous analysis, the LICO table showcases the variations in financial requirements among different communities and regions throughout the country. It sheds light on the diverse economic landscapes, ensuring a nuanced understanding of income adequacy based on location and family size.

Understanding these nuances is crucial, as it influences the eligibility for numerous government assistance programs and services. The LICO table serves as a foundation for assessing financial needs, empowering individuals and policymakers to make well-informed choices and allocate resources where they are most needed.

Using the LICO Table

The LICO table below illustrates income thresholds based on 2024 statistics for various household sizes and locations across Canada:

SIZE OF FAMILY UNIT One person LICO – 6 Months
One person $28,339 $14,170
Two persons $35,282 $17,641
Three persons $43,373 $21,687
Four persons $52,662 $26,331
Five persons $59,728 $29,864
Six persons $67,362 $33,681
Seven persons $74,998 $37,499
If more than seven persons, for each additional person, add $7,634 $3,817

Disclaimer: The LICO values presented here are projections and not official figures; it’s advisable to seek information from multiple sources, especially when applying for immigration programs. Additionally, these figures will be updated once the IRCC releases the official data.

Importance of LICO table

The LICO (Low Income Cut-Off) table plays a pivotal role in the process of Super Visa sponsorship, offering a vital financial yardstick for sponsors thinking about bringing their parents or grandparents to Canada. Its significance lies in being a critical determinant of eligibility, assessing the financial capability of sponsors to support their elderly relatives during their stay.

Understanding the LICO table is paramount for families aspiring to reunite or maintain connections across borders. It acts as a guidepost, indicating the minimum financial threshold required for sponsors to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. As the care of elderly relatives

often entails substantial financial obligations, meeting these criteria is essential to ensure adequate financial support throughout their stay in Canada.

The annual updates to the LICO table underline its dynamism, reflecting evolving economic conditions and ensuring that sponsorship requirements stay aligned with the changing financial landscape. The recent adjustments in income requirements highlight the pressing need for sponsors to maintain financial stability and meet the updated benchmarks, underscoring the importance of understanding and meeting these criteria for successful Super Visa sponsorship.

Ultimately, the LICO table serves as a tool for sponsors to gauge their financial readiness and, in turn, facilitates a smoother and more secure process for families seeking to reunite under the Super Visa program. Its comprehension and adherence play a vital role in ensuring sponsors can meet the financial obligations essential for the well-being and support of their visiting parents or grandparents in Canada.


The LICO Table represents income thresholds below which families spend a higher proportion of whatever their income is on basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing. It’s a benchmark used to determine eligibility for various government programs and services. Such as a Super Visa for Parents and grandparents.

The Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) table is a financial benchmark used to assess a sponsor’s ability to support visiting parents or grandparents under Canada’s Super Visa program.

Understanding the LICO table is crucial as it determines the minimum financial threshold sponsors must meet to support their elderly relatives during their stay in Canada.

Meeting the LICO requirements is a key factor in determining eligibility for Super Visa sponsorship. Sponsors need to ensure they meet the income benchmarks to support their visiting family members.

The LICO table undergoes annual updates to reflect changes in economic conditions and ensure that sponsorship requirements align with current financial standards.

Failing to meet the LICO thresholds may affect the eligibility of the sponsor for Super Visa sponsorship, potentially resulting in the application being denied.

Sponsors should review the updated LICO table annually and take necessary financial measures to meet or exceed the income benchmarks for successful Super Visa sponsorship.

Sponsors must maintain the financial capacity to support their visiting family members throughout their application in process. Failure to do so might lead to complications in fulfilling the sponsorship obligations.

Yes, The LICO table considers family size and the geographic location of the sponsor to determine the income thresholds required for Super Visa sponsorship.

Yes, seeking guidance from financial advisors or experts knowledgeable about Super Visa sponsorship can help sponsors navigate and meet the LICO criteria effectively.

Yes, the LICO Table is periodically updated to reflect economic changes. It’s essential to consider the most recent thresholds when assessing eligibility for insurance, especially concerning Super Visa Insurance.

While the LICO table is a crucial factor, other requirements, such as medical insurance and other financial undertakings, also play a role in Super Visa sponsorship approval.

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