
Why is Emergency Medical Travel Insurance Important in Canada?

Emergency Medical Travel Insurance Important in Canada

November 7, 2023, Pushpinder Puri, 6 Mins

Travelling opens up a world of adventure, business opportunities, and cultural exchanges. However, one aspect often relegated to the afterthought is the possibility of a medical emergency. In Canada, a country known for its high-quality healthcare, the costs for non-residents can be astronomical, making Emergency Medical Travel Insurance not just a recommendation but a necessity. With the right insurance in place, travellers to Canada can ensure they’re not left facing insurmountable medical bills or, worse, inadequate care in the event of an emergency. This coverage becomes a bridge between the unexpected and the preparedness that every traveller ought to embody.

What is Emergency Medical Travel Insurance?

Aspect Description for Canada
Definition A type of policy that covers unexpected medical costs due to emergencies while traveling in Canada.
Coverage Hospitalization, doctor’s fees, prescriptions, emergency surgeries, medical evacuation, repatriation, and sometimes dental emergencies.
Purpose To safeguard travelers against the potentially high costs of healthcare services in Canada, which may not be covered by regular health insurance.
Use Case When a non-resident traveler requires immediate medical attention for a sudden illness or injury within Canada.
Benefits Provides financial cover for expensive medical treatments and ensures access to care, especially where domestic plans are not effective.
Key Features – Access to Canadian healthcare services,- Coverage for air ambulance services, – 24/7 assistance in multiple languages
Considerations – Understanding the Canadian healthcare system,- Knowing the exclusions and limits of the policy, – Pre-existing condition clauses
For Whom Visitors to Canada, including tourists, students, workers, and immigrants awaiting provincial health coverage.
Purchase Timing Before arriving in Canada to ensure coverage from the moment of entry.
Cost Factors Influenced by age, length of stay, medical history, and the desired extent of coverage.
Additional Options Coverage for adventure sports or high-risk activities that might be excluded from standard policies.
Claim Process Requires submitting proof of medical expenses to the insurance company; some policies allow direct billing with healthcare providers.
Importance Essential for financial security and access to medical services, as non-residents are not covered by Canada’s public health insurance system (Medicare).


Emergency Medical Travel Insurance is a specific type of insurance that is designed to cover unforeseen medical expenses incurred while travelling. When in a foreign country like Canada, where healthcare costs for non-residents can be exorbitant, this insurance can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a financial disaster. Policies typically cover everything from emergency dental work to surgical procedures, providing a wide safety net. In essence, this type of insurance ensures that a sudden illness or accident doesn’t turn into a crisis that follows you home.

The Risks of Traveling Without Insurance

  • Unforeseen Medical Emergencies

The unpredictability of health concerns, especially in unfamiliar environments, cannot be overstated. Whether it’s an accident or a sudden onset of illness, being in a foreign country can complicate matters. Without Emergency Medical Travel Insurance, travellers in Canada could find themselves in precarious situations, with limited access to necessary medical attention or facing the daunting task of covering exorbitant costs out of pocket, which can add to the stress of the situation.

  • High Cost of Medical Care Abroad

Medical expenses in Canada for those without provincial health coverage can be prohibitive. For example, a day in the hospital can cost upwards of $4,000, and more intensive procedures or stays in the ICU can run into the tens of thousands. For travellers without Emergency Medical Coverage, these costs can be overwhelming, potentially leading to long-term financial implications.

  • Legal and Logistical Complications

Navigating a healthcare system in a different country can be complicated because of various legal requirements and processes that may be unfamiliar. In some cases, hospitals may require up-front payment or proof of insurance before administering care. Without insurance, you may also find yourself without the guidance or advocacy to navigate foreign legalities, which could lead to delayed care or additional complications.

Benefits of Emergency Medical Travel Insurance

  • Comprehensive Medical Coverage

This insurance often includes services that go beyond just emergency treatment, such as hospital stays, ambulance services, and sometimes even return home if medically necessary. This broad coverage can mitigate the high costs of healthcare services abroad and protect against a range of potential financial risks.

  • Support and Assistance During Emergencies

Beyond financial coverage, these plans often come with 24/7 support services, offering assistance with finding medical facilities, translation services, and helping with the logistical aspects of receiving care abroad. This support can prove invaluable when you’re in a vulnerable situation, away from your familiar support network.

  • Peace of Mind While Traveling

With a robust Emergency Medical Travel Insurance plan, travelers can embark on their journey with the reassurance that they’re protected against a wide array of medical emergencies. This peace of mind allows travelers to fully immerse in the joys of their Canadian adventure, knowing they have a safety net should the unexpected occur.

Key Features of Emergency Medical Travel Insurance Plans

  • Coverage Details

It’s essential to closely review what the insurance covers, as policies can vary significantly. Some may cover air ambulance or repatriation, while others might include minor treatments that don’t require hospital admission. Knowing these details ensures you understand the scope of your protection.

  • Exclusions and Limitations

To be aware of what is not covered is just as important as knowing what is. Many policies have exclusions, such as injuries from high-risk activities or pre-existing conditions. Limitations may also exist on the amount payable for certain services. Understanding these can help you avoid unexpected costs.

  • Choosing the Right Plan

Emergency Medical plan is not one-size-fits-all. Some are tailored for the backpacker, while others cater to the luxury traveler. Age, health status, trip duration, and the nature of the trip activities should all influence the choice of plan. It’s crucial to select a plan that aligns with your specific travel needs and risks for the emergency medical insurance benefits.

How to Choose the Right Emergency Medical Travel Insurance

  • Assessing Your Travel Needs

Consider the length of your stay, the nature of your activities (are you skiing or lounging by a lake?), and your personal health when looking for insurance. This assessment helps in determining the extent of coverage you’ll require. For example, if engaging in extreme sports, you’ll want a policy that doesn’t exclude such activities.

  • Understanding Policy Terms

Policy terms can be complex, and the fine print can contain important information about coverage limits and the claims process. It’s important to understand the deductible, coverage caps, and the process for receiving care to avoid any mishaps when it’s time to use your insurance.

  • Comparing Prices and Coverage

While cost is an important factor, the cheapest policy may not always offer the best value. Compare the cost against the coverage provided, looking closely at what is and isn’t included. It’s wise to strike a balance between comprehensive coverage and an affordable premium.

Real-Life Scenarios and Testimonials

Travel Mishaps and How Insurance Helped

The value of Emergency Medical Coverage becomes vividly clear through the lens of those who have experienced its benefits first-hand. Consider the story of John and Linda, a couple from Seattle who planned a two-week hiking trip in the Canadian Rockies. Three days into their adventure, John slipped and suffered a compound fracture in his leg. The remote location required helicopter evacuation, which could have cost them over $10,000. Fortunately, their Emergency Medical costs are covered entirely. John received the necessary medical attention promptly, and they were even reimbursed for the unused portion of their trip, which was non-refundable. Their testimonial highlights not just the financial relief on how their emergency medical expenses were tackled but the swift coordination of services that their insurance provided, turning a potentially traumatic experience into a manageable hiccup.

Customer Reviews and Experiences

When it comes to choosing a good insurance provider, customer reviews are invaluable. Sarah, a frequent traveller to Canada, swears by her travel insurance policy after a ski accident left her with a broken wrist. In her review, she states, “The insurance company was a lifeline. They not only covered my emergency medical expenses, which included surgery and overnight hospitalization, but they also arranged for my early return flight, ensuring I had the necessary support onboard.” Stories like Sarah’s, found on various travel forums and insurance review sites, illustrate the tangible impact of having a robust insurance policy. They highlight the aspect of care and efficiency, from the medical attention received to the handling of travel interruptions.

Another testimonial comes from the Henderson family, who faced an unexpected health crisis when their daughter fell ill with severe pneumonia during their trip to Ontario. Their policy covered the extensive hospital stay, which would have been a financial strain given the international rates for medical care. In their review, the Hendersons emphasized the peace of mind that came from knowing they wouldn’t face a financial burden on top of the stress of their child being ill.

These testimonials and customer experiences paint a clear picture: Emergency Medical Travel Insurance offers more than just financial benefits—it provides travellers with a sense of security, allowing them to recover from their ordeal without the added stress of navigating foreign healthcare systems or managing overwhelming expenses.

Conclusion: Don’t Leave Home Without It

In closing, an Emergency Medical plan is an essential component of travel preparation. It provides financial protection, personal safety, and peace of mind, all of which are invaluable when travelling. Neglecting this could lead to dire consequences, whereas being insured ensures that medical emergencies don’t turn into financial and emotional catastrophes.

Recap of Key Points

Reiterate the potential risks of travelling uninsured, the benefits of comprehensive coverage, and the importance of choosing a plan tailored to your individual needs. Remember, the goal is to make informed decisions that make it possible to have a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

Final Thoughts on Being Prepared

Preparation is the key to a worry-free travel experience. Investing in a solid Emergency Medical Insurance plan allows you to focus on the purpose of your trip rather than the potential pitfalls.

Read More – Travel Insurance Myths Debunked


While not mandatory, it is strongly recommended due to the high cost of medical services for those not covered under the Canadian healthcare system.

A number of insurance providers have updated their policies to include coverage for COVID-19-related issues, but you must check the specific terms of your policy.

Some insurance providers offer policies that can be purchased after departure, but options may be limited, and there may be waiting periods for coverage to take effect.

Most plans exclude pre-existing conditions, injuries from high-risk activities not previously declared, and incidents involving drug or alcohol influence.

While pre-existing medical conditions are often excluded, some policies may offer coverage under certain conditions, such as if the condition has been stable for a specified period before travel.

Adequate coverage depends on your destination and trip details, but generally, you should consider a minimum of $100,000 for travel to countries with high healthcare costs, like Canada. To be more secure, many opt for limits up to $1 million.

Travel insurance usually covers unexpected medical emergencies during your trip, including sudden illnesses or injuries. It’s crucial to check your policy for specific terms and exclusions.

The above information is only meant to be informative. It comes from Canadian LIC's own opinions, which can change at any time. This material is not meant to be financial or legal advice, and it should not be interpreted as such. If someone decides to act on the information on this page, Canadian LIC is not responsible for what happens. Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information on Canadian LIC. Some of the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, termination, and other parts of the policies mentioned above may not be included, which may be important to the policy choice. For full details, please refer to the actual policy documents. If there is any disagreement, the language in the actual policy documents will be used. All rights reserved.

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