
The Comprehensive Guide to International Student Insurance in Canada

International Student Insurance in Canada

October 10, 2023, ,

Canada is known for its world-class education system and diverse student population, making it an attractive destination for international students. However, navigating a new healthcare system can take time and effort for an international student. That’s where International Student Insurance comes in. Continue reading further to explore everything you need to know about International Student Insurance in Canada.

What You Will Learn?

What is International Student Insurance?

Do international students need health insurance in Canada?

Types of International Student Insurance

How to Get International Student Insurance in Canada?

How to apply for International Student Insurance in Canada?

Key Considerations When Selecting an International Student Insurance Plan


What is International Student Insurance?

International Student Insurance, also known as health insurance or medical coverage, is a type of insurance specifically designed for students from other countries who are studying in Canada. Its primary purpose is to provide financial protection against unexpected healthcare expenses during your academic journey. This insurance typically covers medical services, emergency care, and sometimes additional benefits like dental and vision care.

Do international students need health insurance in Canada?

  • Mandatory Requirement

One of the first things you should know is that many Canadian educational institutions require international students to have health insurance as a condition of enrollment. This rule is in place to make sure that students have access to medical care and don’t have to pay a lot for it while they are there.

  • Healthcare Costs in Canada

Healthcare in Canada is known for its high quality, but it can also be expensive. Without insurance, you may find yourself responsible for paying out-of-pocket for medical services, prescription medications, and even hospital stays. International Student Insurance can minimize these costs and allow you to focus on your studies without worrying about the financial burden of unexpected medical expenses.

  • Emergency Situations

In case of an unexpected illness or injury, having insurance ensures that you receive prompt and adequate medical care. This is crucial for your well-being and recovery, as well as for maintaining your academic progress.

  • Peace of Mind

One of the most significant benefits of International Student Insurance is the peace of mind it provides. Knowing that you are financially protected in case of a medical emergency can relieve stress and allow you to immerse yourself in your educational experience fully.

Read More – Student Insurance Benefits

Types of International Student Insurance

When it comes to International Student Insurance in Canada, there are two main types:

  • University/College-Sponsored Plans

Some Canadian colleges and universities offer their own insurance plans for foreign students. These plans may be necessary or optional, depending on the institution’s rules. You should carefully analyze the terms and conditions of the plan, if it is offered by your institution or college, to be sure if it will satisfy your needs.

  • Private Insurance Providers

Alternatively, you can purchase insurance from private providers. These providers specialize in iInternational Student iInsurance and often offer more comprehensive coverage options and flexibility. This can be especially beneficial if you have specific healthcare needs or if you prefer a plan that caters to international students.

How to Get International Student Insurance in Canada?

Now that you understand the importance and types of International Student Insurance, let’s go into the process of obtaining it:

Check Your Institution’s Requirements

The first step is to check with your educational institution to determine if they have specific insurance requirements. Some institutions may have their own insurance plans, while others may accept insurance from private providers. If there are specific requirements, make sure to comply with them.

Compare Plans

If your educational institution does not provide insurance or if you want to explore other options, you’ll need to research private insurance providers. Here’s how you can go about it:

Research Providers

Start by researching insurance providers that offer International Student Insurance in Canada. You can do this by visiting their websites, reading reviews, and seeking recommendations from fellow international students.

Compare Plans

Once you’ve identified a few insurance providers, compare their plans. Consider the following factors:

  • Coverage: Ensure that the plan covers essential medical services, including doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, and emergency care.
  • Deductibles: Understand the deductible amount, which is the portion of medical expenses you must pay before the insurance starts covering costs. Some plans may have higher deductibles but lower premiums, while others may have the opposite.
  • Premiums: Consider the cost of premiums, which is the amount you pay regularly (monthly or annually) for insurance coverage. Compare premiums among different providers and evaluate how they fit into your budget.
  • Network of Providers: Check if the insurance plan has a network of healthcare providers in your area. Using in-network providers can make accessing care easier and reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Additional Benefits: Some plans may include extras like dental, vision, or mental health coverage. Evaluate if these additional benefits are important to you and if they align with your healthcare needs.
  • Claim Process: Familiarize yourself with the claim process. Understand how to submit claims in case of medical expenses and how quickly claims are processed.
  • Coverage Period: Ensure that the insurance plan covers you for the entire duration of your study program in Canada. You may need to renew the coverage if your program extends beyond the initial coverage period.

Seek Recommendations

Reach out to your fellow international students who may have experience with specific insurance providers. They can provide insights into the quality of service, ease of claims processing, and overall satisfaction with the insurance.

Read More – What kind of medical health insurance do international students get?

How to apply for International Student Insurance in Canada?

Once you’ve selected an insurance provider and plan that best suits your needs, it’s time to apply for coverage. The application process typically involves the following steps:

  • Complete the Application Form

Fill out the insurance provider’s application form. Be prepared to provide personal information, proof of enrollment in your educational institution, and payment details. Ensure that all information is accurate and up to date.

  • Review the Policy Terms

Carefully review the policy terms and conditions provided by the insurance provider. This document contains essential information about your coverage, including what is and isn’t covered, the duration of coverage, and the procedures for filing claims.

  • Pay the Premium

Pay the required premium to activate your insurance coverage. Premiums can usually be paid monthly or annually, depending on the provider’s policies. Ensure that you make payments on time to maintain continuous coverage.

  • Receive Policy Documents

Once your application is approved and your premium is paid, you will receive policy documents from the insurance provider. These documents outline the details of your coverage, including your insurance policy number, coverage period, and contact information for the insurance provider.

You will also typically receive an insurance card that you should always carry with you. In case of a medical emergency, healthcare providers will need this information to verify your coverage.

Key Considerations When Selecting an International Student Insurance Plan

When selecting an International Student Insurance plan, it’s crucial to consider various factors to ensure that you are adequately covered and that the plan aligns with your needs and budget. Here are some key considerations:


The primary purpose of insurance is to provide coverage for medical expenses. Therefore, ensure that the plan you choose covers essential medical services, such as:

  • Doctor Visits: Coverage for visits to general practitioners and specialists.
  • Hospitalization: Coverage for hospital stays, surgeries, and related expenses.
  • Prescription Medications: Coverage for prescription drugs prescribed by healthcare providers.
  • Emergency Care: Coverage for emergency medical care, including ambulance services and emergency room visits.


Understand the deductible amount, which is the portion of medical expenses you must pay before the insurance starts covering costs. Deductibles can vary among insurance plans, so compare them to determine which one aligns with your financial situation. Remember that plans with higher deductibles often have lower premiums, but you’ll need to pay more out-of-pocket before the insurance kicks in.


Consider the cost of premiums, which is the amount you pay regularly for insurance coverage. Premiums can vary widely depending on the provider, the level of coverage, and other factors. Choosing a plan with premiums that fit your budget is essential. Be aware that cheaper plans may offer less coverage, so carefully weigh the cost against the benefits.

Network of Providers

Some insurance plans have a network of healthcare providers with whom they have negotiated rates. Using in-network providers can be more cost-effective, as the insurance plan may cover a higher percentage of the costs when you receive care from these providers. Check if the insurance plan has a network of doctors, hospitals, and clinics in your area, especially if you have specific healthcare needs.

Additional Benefits

In addition to basic medical coverage, some insurance plans offer additional benefits, such as:

  • Dental Care: Coverage for dental exams, cleanings, and procedures.
  • Vision Care: Coverage for eye exams and eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • Mental Health Services: Coverage for counselling or therapy sessions.
  • Wellness Programs: Access to programs that promote healthy living and preventive care.

Evaluate whether these additional benefits are important to you and whether they align with your healthcare needs. Keep in mind that plans with more extensive coverage may come with higher premiums.

Claim Process

Familiarize yourself with the insurance provider’s claim process. Understand how to submit claims in case of medical expenses. This typically involves providing receipts, medical records, and other relevant documentation. Knowing the claim process in advance can save you time and stress when you need to access medical care.

Coverage Period

Ensure that the insurance plan covers you for the entire duration of your study program in Canada. Some plans may offer coverage on a semester basis, while others provide coverage for the whole of the academic year. If your program extends beyond the initial coverage period, inquire about the renewal process to ensure continuous coverage.

Renewal Options

If you plan to extend your stay in Canada or continue your education, consider the renewal options for your insurance plan. Find out how to extend your coverage and whether there are any changes in terms, conditions, or premiums when you renew.

Maintaining your Insurance

Obtaining International Student Insurance is just the first step; you must also maintain your coverage throughout your stay in Canada. Here are some essential tips for keeping your insurance active:

  • Pay Premiums On Time: Ensure that you pay your insurance premiums on time. Late payments could result in a lapse in coverage, leaving you without insurance protection.
  • Update Contact Information: Keep your contact information, such as your address and phone number, up to date with the insurance provider. This ensures that you receive important communications and policy updates.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about any changes to your insurance policy. Be aware of updates to coverage terms, premiums, and renewal procedures.
  • Renew Your Coverage: If your study program extends beyond the initial coverage period, make sure to renew your insurance coverage promptly. Delaying renewal could lead to a gap in coverage.

Seek Guidance

Feel free to seek guidance if you have any questions regarding International Student Insurance. Here are some resources you can turn to for assistance:

  • Educational Institution’s International Office: The international office at your educational institution is a valuable resource. They can provide information on insurance requirements, recommend insurance providers, and answer your questions.
  • Local Insurance Agents: Consider consulting with local insurance agents like Canadian LIC, who specialize in International Student Insurance. They can provide personalized guidance and help you get around the selection and application process.
  • Fellow Students: Talk to other international students who have lived in Canada for a while and know how insurance works there. They can give advice based on what they’ve learned from their own situations.
  • Online Resources: Explore online resources, including websites, forums, and blogs, to gather information and read about the experiences of other international students. While online information can be helpful, always verify details with official sources as well.

To Summarize

International Student Insurance is a crucial aspect of your study abroad experience in Canada. It not only fulfills a mandatory requirement set by many educational institutions but also provides you with financial protection and peace of mind in the event of a medical emergency. By understanding the types of insurance, the application process, key considerations when selecting a plan, and how to maintain your coverage, you can make informed decisions to ensure your health and well-being while pursuing your education in Canada. Remember that being prepared with the right insurance plan lets you focus on your studies and make the most of your time as an international student in the beautiful, welcoming country of Canada.


Now let’s go through some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to International Student Insurance in Canada, along with their answers:

International Student Insurance, also known as health insurance, is designed to provide financial protection for international students studying in Canada. It would be best if you go for one as it covers medical expenses in case of illness or injury, as healthcare in Canada can be expensive. Many Canadian educational institutions also require it as a mandatory condition of enrollment.

Check with your educational institution to see if they offer their own insurance plan for international students. Some institutions may make it mandatory, while others may offer it as an option. Compliance with your institution’s insurance requirements is essential.

You could have the choice to select a private insurance provider even though some institutions have their own insurance policies. However, you must make sure that the insurance plan you select complies with the standards established by your educational institution.

International Student Insurance typically covers medical services, hospitalization, prescription medications, emergency care, and sometimes additional benefits like dental and vision care. The coverage may vary depending on the insurance plan.

To apply for International Student Insurance, follow these steps:

  • Check your institution’s insurance requirements.
  • Research insurance providers and compare plans.
  • Complete the application form provided by the chosen provider.
  • Pay the required premium to activate your coverage.
  • Receive your policy documents and insurance card.

It’s generally advisable to have insurance coverage specific to Canada as healthcare systems and costs vary between countries. Using insurance from your home country may not provide adequate coverage or be accepted by Canadian healthcare providers.

Call 911 right away if there is a medical emergency so that help can be provided. If you have International Student Insurance, tell the healthcare providers that you are covered and give them your insurance card and policy information.

Pre-existing medical conditions are often not covered by International Student Insurance. It’s essential to review the policy terms and inquire with the insurance provider about any specific exclusions related to pre-existing conditions.

Some insurance providers may offer the option to add family members to your policy for an additional premium. Check with your insurance provider for details on adding family members to your coverage.

If you don’t have International Student Insurance in Canada, you may be responsible for paying out-of-pocket for medical expenses, including doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, and emergency care. Non-compliance with insurance requirements set by your educational institution may also have academic consequences.

You may be able to cancel your International Student Insurance policy, but the process and eligibility for refunds vary among insurance providers. Contact your provider to inquire about their cancellation policy and any associated fees or penalties.

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) provide you with the basics regarding International Student Insurance in Canada, but it’s important to read your particular policy conditions and get in touch with your insurance company or educational institution for more individualized advice and responses to any other issues you might have.

Canadian LIC can be a perfect choice for an answer to all your queries. So what are you waiting for?

Get in touch with Canadian LIC today if you want to get the best International Student Insurance in Canada.

The above information is only meant to be informative. It comes from Canadian LIC's own opinions, which can change at any time. This material is not meant to be financial or legal advice, and it should not be interpreted as such. If someone decides to act on the information on this page, Canadian LIC is not responsible for what happens. Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information on Canadian LIC. Some of the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, termination, and other parts of the policies mentioned above may not be included, which may be important to the policy choice. For full details, please refer to the actual policy documents. If there is any disagreement, the language in the actual policy documents will be used. All rights reserved.

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