If you’re an earning professional, you already know how loans work. You take them when you have some financial needs. Loan Protection Insurance can be anything from you starting a new business, paying off your child’s educational expenses, or building a home. Loans can help you in fulfilling these dreams. However, when you’re repaying the amount you took, there might be times, where you may be late due to Disability or Sickness.

What Should You Know About Loan Protection Plan?

By Candian LIC, July 28, 2021, 8 Minutes

What Should You Know About Loan Protection Plan

If you’re an earning professional, you already know how loans work. You take them when you have some financial needs. Loan Protection Insurance can be anything from you starting a new business, paying off your child’s educational expenses, or building a home. Loans can help you in fulfilling these dreams. However, when you’re repaying the amount you took, there might be times, where you may be late due to Disability or Sickness.

This may result in paying an extra penalty amount. A Loan Protection Plan can help you with that. If you apply for this policy, the insurance company will offer coverage for your loan when you can’t; it’s as simple as that.

Clear your dues without any stress

Ironically, most Canadians find themselves in severe debt by the time they turn 30. In trying to clear off the dues as quickly as possible, they find themselves in a financial crisis. You can avoid this by applying for Loan Protection Insurance. The overall application process is relatively simple, and you can choose coverage from anywhere between 12-24 months (this is the minimum) to the age of 65 (when you retire).

The policy can pay off your minimum dues and loans when you find yourself in financial problems. If you’re diagnosed with an illness and need time to recover, or if you have been in an accident and cannot work for a while, your Loan Protection Plan will take care of your monthly repayments, and you can focus more on recovery. The policy will also offer coverage if you have lost your job for any reason. You can start looking for another job while not worrying about how to make ends meet. With Loan Protection Insurance, you can maintain your standard of living.

Several advantages of taking a Loan Protection Plan:

Starting from vehicle loans to a line of credit loans, the policy offers coverage for a wide range of debts. With a Loan Protection Plan, you will have complete peace of mind knowing that your loans will be paid in full and in time without any hassle.

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The above information is only meant to be informative. It comes from Canadian LIC’s own opinions, which can change at any time. This material is not meant to be financial or legal advice, and it should not be interpreted as such. If someone decides to act on the information on this page, Canadian LIC is not responsible for what happens. Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information on Canadian LIC. Some of the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, termination, and other parts of the policies mentioned above may not be included, which may be important to the policy choice. For full details, please refer to the actual policy documents. If there is any disagreement, the language in the actual policy documents will be used. All rights reserved.

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